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Young and diverse voices with something to say - that’s our sweet spot. Our services are fully customizable based on each individual and collaborator that we work with. 

Management & Advisory

Our core offering focuses on supporting individual social impact leaders and creators. Our approach is rooted in our shared ethos and provided via a very high-touch and personal approach.

Speaking, Event & Appearance Representation

We partner with thought leaders to help them get their voices heard on stages and spaces around the world. Our focus is on identifying strategically aligned opportunities and partnerships to truly help your voice and narrative be heard. 

Consulting & Freelance Collaborations

Gallaher Group partners with social impact agencies and creative consultancies to help bring programs and projects to fruition alongside remarkable leaders and advocates. 

Gallaher Group clients are highly sought-after, purpose-driven collaborators for brands and events worldwide. They are consistently sought by teams committed to amplifying young voices, facilitating change and making a real  impact.

Previous collaborators include
Jacob Simon
“Kayley has been a game changer for me by elevating my productivity and creativity while helping me find and navigate meaningful partnerships. Since teaming up, I’ve been able to focus on improving my impact, business, and life while trusting in Gallaher Group to organize client communications and logistics while helping ideate ways to constantly improve and make the world a better place.”

We'd love to hear from you!

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